In this section, we’ll configure the selection for Product Tags, Product Filters, Product Brands, and Product Images for the Cake Shop Module. This setup must be completed before moving on to product settings. Please note, this setting is exclusive to the Cake Shop Module.
Step 1: Navigate to “Settings” on the left sidebar and then click on “Module”.
Step 2: Find the Cake Shop Module and click on the pencil icon located on the right.
Step 3: Navigate the Product Tags and fill in the key and value.
- Key: The label for the specific tag
- Value: The tag that will be displayed in the backend settings and serve as the navigation for the product category on the front end.
Step 4: Fill in the key and value of the Product Filters. For Traditional Chinese Landing Page, please input the filters in the page of Taiwan Flag due to setting needs. For English Landing Page, please input the filters in the page of England Flag due to setting needs.
- Key: The label for the specific Product Filter.
- Value: The filter that will be displayed in the backend settings and used as the product label on the front end.
Step 5: Fill in the key and value for the Product Brands. Product Brands are used when there is more than one branch within the e-commerce store, allowing customers to identify which products are sold by each branch.
- Key: The label for the specific brand or branch.
- Value: The branch name that will be displayed in both the backend and the front end.