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  3. Gift Panel Settings

Gift Panel Settings

Customers have the option to activate the gift panel, allowing them to send their purchased products to friends or family.

Step 1: Navigate to “Gift” on the left sidebar and then click on “Settings.”

Step 2: Set up the general information of your gift panel.

  • Title: Insert the title of the gifting panel.
  • UAT Domain: The UAT Domain is a dedicated testing environment where end-users validate the functionality and performance of a system before it is deployed for actual use.
  • Live Domain: The Live Domain refers to the actual production environment or the live system where the software or application is deployed and accessible to end-users for real-world use.
  • Language: Choose the desired language from the available options: Traditional Chinese,English, and Simplified Chinese.
  • Login Method: Select the login method for your gift panel.

Step 3: Toggle the status to “ON” in your general settings to activate the gift panel.

Step 4: Click on the “Save” button to save your gift panel’s settings.

Step 5: Navigate to the “Wording” section in the top bar and input the desired text for the gifting panel.

  • Login Title
  • Mobile Title
  • Home Title
  • Send Gift Title
  • Logout Title
  • Next Btn Title
  • Quota Title
  • Gift Item Title
  • Confirm Btn Title
  • Cancel Btn Title
  • Back Btn Title
  • Send Btn Title
  • Finish Btn Title

Step 6: Click on the “Save” button to save your wording’s settings.

Step 7: Access the “Index” section in the top bar and input the appropriate text for your gifting index panel.

  • Index Welcome Title
  • Index Welcome Description

Step 8: Click on the “Save” button to save your index’ settings.

Step 9: Access the “Home” section in the top bar and add text to customize the wording for the homepage of your gifting panel.

  • Home Title
  • Home Description

Step 10: Click on the “Save” button to save your home’s settings.

Step 11: Navigate to the “Form” section in the top bar and input the desired text for your gifting form.

  • Form Title
  • Form Description
  • Sender Information Title
  • Recipient Information Title
  • Sender Name
  • Recipient Name
  • Recipient Email
  • Recipient Language
  • Recipient Message

Step 12: Click on the “Save” button to save your form’s settings.

Step 13: Access the “Share” section on the top bar and add text to customize the wording that appears after sharing your gifts.

  • Share
  • Share Descriptions
  • Gift Share Link

Step 14: Click on the “Save” button to save your share’s settings.

Step 15: Access the “Status” section in the top bar and input text to customize the wording for your sharing history.

  • Status Title
  • Status Description
  • Reference No. Title
  • Gift Title
  • Recipient Title
  • Date Title

Step 16: Click on the “Save” button to save your sharing history’s settings.

Step 17: Navigate to the “Email” section on the top bar and customize the wording and image for gifting emails.

  • Email Banner
  • Subject
  • Gifting Dear Title
  • Terms and Condition
  • Gifting Code Title

Step 18: Click on the “Save” button to save your email’s settings.

Step 19: Access the “Theme” section in the top bar and customize the theme for your gift panel.

  • Logo 
  • Desktop Header Image
  • Main Background Colour
  • Button Background Colour
  • Main Font Colour

Step 20: Click on the “Save” button to save your theme’s settings.

Step 21: Create a campaign HERE and  switch the gift panel status to “ON” in your general settings to activate the gift panel exclusively for that particular campaign.

Step 22: Click on the “Save” button to save your campaign’s settings.

Updated on November 27, 2023

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