
Tracking Transactions

On the Transactions page, merchants have the convenience of monitoring their transaction records, which provide important details such as Time and Order ID. These records serve various purposes, including accounting tasks like balancing Profit and Loss between online and offline shops. It is essential to understand that this page is solely dedicated to tracking transactions and does not allow for editing them.

Step 1: Navigate to the Finance menu and click “Transactions”.

Step 2: You can track all the transaction details in this page. 

Step 3: Specify the desired start and end dates for the transactions you wish to track.

Step 4: If you wish to track only the simulated transactions, please mark the “Testing” checkbox.

Step 5: Additionally, you have the option to conduct a targeted search for the transaction using the Order ID.

Step 6: To download the transactions and save them as a “.xlsx” file, simply click on the “Download” button located in the top right corner.

Updated on August 22, 2023

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