These settings allow users to customize the hero banner images. Unlike other modules, the Cake Shop module has a dedicated Banner section for uploading Hero Images, which is separate from the theme settings.
Step 1: Upload Images
- Image 1: The first image that will appear as the hero banner in the desktop view for your campaign.
- Mobile Image 1: The first image that will appear as the hero banner in mobile view for your campaign.
- Link 1: Add the URL that will direct users to a specific page when they click on the hero banner.
Step 2: Upload the remaining images. You can include up to 5 images in the hero banner.
Step 3: Click on the “Save” button to save your banner settings.
Floating Button Settings
These settings allow users to customize the hero banner images. Unlike other modules, the Cake Shop module has a dedicated Banner section for uploading Hero Images, which is separate from the theme settings.
Step 1: Enable the Button (Btn) Redirect Status
Step 2: Upload the button image and insert button (Btn) redirect link.
- Hint: Optimal image sizes – W145 x H80.