The advanced settings allow users to configure additional campaign settings, including pre- and post-campaign details, as well as social media integration.
Step 1: Set the social media links and social media sharing for your campaign.
Step 2: Set the general advanced settings
- Date Format: Specify the format in which the date should be displayed on the order page.
- Before Checkout Begin: The preferred manner of displaying the campaign prior to its start date.
- Before Checkout Begin Message: The text displayed in the campaign prior to its start date.
- After Checkout End: The preferred manner of displaying the campaign after its end date.
- Select Branch/Outlet: Choose the branch or outlet associated with this campaign to activate it.
- Select Product Category: Choose the product category related to this campaign to activate it.
- Hide Pickup Date: Toggle the status to “ON” to conceal the pickup date/calendar selection in the form.
- Hide Redemption QR Code: Toggle the status to “ON” to o hide the redemption QR Code after a purchase is made.
- Product Details Separate Page: Enable this option to open the product details in a new tab when users click on it. Note that this setting cannot be activated simultaneously with “Product Details On Current Page.”
- Product Details On Current Page: This option is enabled by default. When left unchanged, product details will be displayed on the same page. This setting cannot be activated simultaneously with “Product Details Separate Page.”
- Enable Product TimeSlot Blocking: Toggle this to enable “Campaign Show Timeslot After” features.
- Campaign Show Timeslot After: Insert the delay time to display the pickup time dynamically based on the set hours for the whole campaign or ALL products. For example, if you input 4 (hours), a customer placing an order at 12pm will only be able to select a pickup time starting at 4pm, which is 4 hours later. The settings in the product group can override this setting. If a customer places an order after the branch’s operating hours, the system will automatically set the pickup time to the branch’s next opening time. If the customer selects a product with the ‘Show Timeslot After’ setting and another without this feature, they will only be able to choose the later time. For example, if one product is available for immediate pickup and another requires a 4-hour wait, the customer will only be able to collect both products after 4 hours. It is advisable to encourage the customer to place a separate order if they need to collect items urgently.
- Product Image Gallery Display Mode: Select the image to be displayed in the product listing or menu. If you choose Product Group, the product details page will display the product image uploaded in the product group section. If you choose Product Child, the product details page will show the product image uploaded in the product child section, tailored to each specific variation. Note that the tag of the product has to be the same between product group and product child no matter which selection is made.