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Refund (Full Refund)

You can refund the full amount to the customer.

1.Search order with ID, customers’ mobile/email > click [Edit] button

Click [Refund] button.

2.Click [Full refund] > Enter answer of the simple calculation and remarks (if any)

> click [Submit] button

The status of the order will be updated to “cancelled” after full refund.
*Order item quantity will be updated as well. For full refund cases, the order quantities will all be released.

Refund (Full refund by quantity)

You can refund by quantity to the customer.

For example, the original order is a booking of 5 adults. It is requested to cancel 3 adults and keep only 2 adults.

1.Search order with order ID, customers’ mobile/ email > Click [Edit] button

Click [Refund] button

2.Update “Remaining quantity” to 2 > Enter refund amount > Enter answer of the simple calculation and remarks (if any)> click [Submit] button

*Order item quantity will be updated as well. For this case, 3 quotas will all be released.

Refund (Partial Refund for certain amount)

1.Search order with order ID, customers’ mobile/ email > Click [Edit] button

Click [Partial Refund] button

2.Enter refund amount > Enter answer of the simple calculation and remarks (if any)     > click [Submit] button