Discount Code Settings

The discount code setting for restaurant reservation system allows users to configure the details of their discount codes. However, please note that this setting is not available for the Dine-In 1.0 and Dine-In 1.5 Modules.

Step 1: Toggle the Discount Code Option to “ON” to activate the discount code function.

Step 2: Insert the discount code information.

  • Section Title: Title of the discount code.
  • User Discount Button Title: Button text displayed for applying discount code.
  • After Discount Applied: Text displayed after applying a discount code.
  • Discount Code Cancel Button: Text displayed after cancelling a discount code.
  • Invalid Discount Code: Text displayed after applying an invalid discount code.
  • Free text above Section Title: Text positioned above the discount code section.
  • Free text below Discount button: Text positioned below the discount code button.
  • Checking Field’s Position on Form: The format of the discount code checking field in form.

Step 3: Set up the discount code.

  • Discount Code: The code of the discount.
  • Discount Rate: Discount amount of the discount code. Set “80” for 20% off, “70” for 30% off, similarly for other discount amounts. 
  • Start Time: The start time of the discount code availability. Leave it blank if there is no restriction
  • End Time: The end time of the discount code availability. Leave it blank if there is no restriction.
  • Discount Field Activation: Toggle the status to “ON” to activate the discount code.
  • Checking Field Activation: Toggle the status to “ON” to activate the discount code checking field.
  • Checking Field Description Text: The description of the discount code checking field.
  • Checking Field Max Input Length: The maximum input length of the checking field.
  • Set Custom Regular Expression: A custom regular expression, often referred to as a regex or regexp, is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. It is a powerful tool used in programming and text processing to find, match, and manipulate strings based on specific patterns.
  • Error Message Display: The text that appears when an incorrect discount code is entered.

Step 4: If you have multiple discount codes, you can configure them here. You can add up to a maximum of three discounts. If you don’t have any, please proceed to Step 5.

Step 5: Proceed to edit the remaining languages, if applicable.

Step 6: Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

Updated on August 22, 2023

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