Available module: DiningV2
1.Select the [Advanced] tab
Buy able Day From: e.g. 0 = customers can book on the booking date
1= customers can book 1 day after today
for example, today is 12 Dec.
If the buyable day from is set as ‘0’, customers can book from 12Dec.
If the buyable day from is set as ‘1’, customers can book from 13Dec.
Buyable Day To: e.g. 14 = customers can only make booking within 14 days
Blackouts: you can black out specific days here by selecting from the calendar.
*Please note that it applies to all branches.
Branch Blackouts: you can black out specific days for specific branch: <branch id><yyyy-mm-dd>
You can add links of social media platforms here which appears in the index page

2.You can click [Preview] to check the overall link.

3.If the preview link is fine to go, you can publish it to [UAT] for checking.

4.After finishing all the settings and checking, you can publish to [LIVE]