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Add Form fields to Campaign

1.Select the [Forms] tab

2.There are some default fields. You can edit them or disable them.

3.Click [Add] button to add new fields

4.Select Field Type

Example 1: add a field of “Direct Marketing” (field type: [Checkbox])

Fill in basic information of the field > click [Save] button

Label: Field name shown in the form page

Field name: Must be in English (as a key name of the field)

Description: description of the field which appears in the form page

Required (ON/OFF): If it is a compulsory field, make it [ON] 

Options: Options for selection

Example 2: add a field of “King of Fook Membership number” (field type: Text)

Fill in basic information of the field > click [Save] button

Label: Field name shown in the form page

Field name: Must be in English (as a key name of the field)

Placeholder: Placeholder of the field which show in the form page

Description: description of the field which appears in the form page

Required (ON/OFF): If it is a compulsory field, make it [ON] 

Fill in further information of the field > click [Save] button

Sort Order: control the order of fields shown on the form page

Display in Confirm Page (ON/OFF): you can select to show this field in confirmation page or not